Where to go

Epsom Day Unit (EDU)

Epsom Day Unit provides abortion up to 13 weeks of pregnancy for patients from Auckland, Counties-Manukau and Waitemata DHBs. Medical abortion is available up to 9 weeks of pregnancy for Auckland DHB residents only.

The First Step

You can either go see your GP to be referred or self-refer directly to EDU on  09 631 0740. Please leave a voice message if the phone is not answered with your phone number and the staff will get back to you as soon as they can.

The staff will talk to you and organise some essential blood, swab tests and an ultrasound. After this, an appointment will be made with a Health Practitioner to discuss your options and check your health. This appointment can be done via phone or face to face.


Pre-decision counselling or post- procedure counselling is always available to you.

If you are unsure or need some help and support, please ring EDU and organise a pre-decision counselling session.

Medical Termination at the Epsom Day Unit

Medical Abortion is available up to 9 weeks of pregnancy.

Medical abortion is available to all women up to 9 weeks of pregnancy. The process normally takes one visit to the clinic.

To start the procedure, the nurse will give you your first tablets (Mifegyne) to take and you will get a repeat pregnancy hormone test.

Most women are able to carry on with their usual activities after this clinic visit.

After 24 hours up to 72 hours later you will have your second set of medication (Misoprostol) to put in your cheeks to dissolve for 20 minutes before you swallow.

It is recommended you are at home with some support, in a private safe space to miscarry the pregnancy. If you vomit within 30 minutes please ring the clinic as you may need to re-take them. You will also be provided with medication to help with nausea and pain symptoms of a miscarriage. We provide an on-call nurse to ring for emergencies,  we also ring you the next day to check up on you. It is important you have a repeat blood test approximately 5 days later so we can monitor that your procedure has been successful.

Surgical Termination at the Epsom Day Unit

After you have been assessed by staff you will be booked for a surgical procedure.

This is done by vacuum aspiration under local anaesthetic (sedated not asleep) up to 13 weeks of pregnancy.

The appointment takes up to 3 hours after being seen by the surgeon and consented.

Surgical and Medical termination more than 12 weeks pregnant

All women should self-refer to their own hospital or be referred by their GP.  

You will need some blood tests, swabs and an ultrasound.

After this, you will have an appointment with the Social Worker. As well as offering counselling, they will also explain the process and options available to you.

Depending on your option for a procedure, you will be given an appointment to attend either a:

Medical abortion: This will occur in your domicile hospital, your social worker will provide you with the information and book you in to see a doctor prior to your procedure.

Surgical abortion: This service is for all patients with pregnancies up to 18 weeks This will involve two visits to Greenlane Clinical Centre to be seen by private surgeons.  You will be seen for pre-assessment and if you wish to go ahead will have a minor procedure to insert some rods into your cervix. You will then be given a time the following day for the surgical procedure. This may be performed under either a local anaesthetic (awake) or general anaesthetic (asleep).


Follow-up is provided by your own GP, or you can ring the clinic nurses in EDU.
Follow-up counselling is available, Please ring EDU and the social worker will be in touch as soon as they can.